Stop smoking hypnotherapy

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

Using hypnosis to become a non-smoker.

Stop smoking hypnotherapySmoking cigarettes is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your health. The statistics are staggering: smoking is responsible for an estimated 480,000 deaths in the United States every year – that’s more than 1,300 people every day.

Smokers are also at increased risk for a wide variety of other health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and emphysema. In fact, smoking is linked to nearly one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States.

If you’re a smoker, stopping is the best thing you can do for your health. And hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help you quit smoking for good.

A study published in the journal Cochrane Review found that hypnosis was more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in helping people stop smoking. And a meta-analysis of 22 studies published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that smokers who used hypnosis to quit smoking were three times more likely to be successful than those who tried to quit on their own.

What are the health benefits of not smoking?

The health benefits of stopping smoking are tremendous. Just a few years after you quit, your risk for heart disease drops dramatically. And 10 years after you quit, your risk for lung cancer drops by half.

In addition to the health benefits, quitting smoking also has financial benefits. The average smoker spends about £6,000 a year on cigarettes – that’s money that could be going towards savings, retirement, or other investments.

So if you’re ready to quit smoking, hypnosis can help you kick the habit for good and enjoy all the health and financial benefits that come with it.

Some tips for becoming a non-smoker

Quitting smoking is a challenging process, but it’s worth it. These tips can help you make the transition to being a non-smoker. With time and patience, you can reach your goal of being smoke-free for good!

1. If you’re trying to quit smoking, congratulations—you’ve taken a huge and very important step! Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health, and there are plenty of resources available to help you make the transition.

2. One helpful quitting strategy is to identify your reasons for wanting to quit. This can help you stay motivated when the going gets tough. Write down your reasons and keep them somewhere you can refer to them when needed.

3. Make a plan for quitting. This should include setting a quit date and choosing a method that works for you. There are many different ways to quit smoking, so talk to your doctor or health care provider about which approach might be best for you.

4. Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, and workplace. This will help reduce the temptation to smoke.

5. Tell your family and friends that you’re quitting smoking and ask for their support. Let them know how they can help you, such as by not smoking around you or offering encouragement.

6. Avoid places where people smoke, at least at first. This can be difficult if you have friends who smoke or if you frequent places like bars or clubs that allow smoking. But try to avoid these places, or go at times when smoking is not allowed until you feel more comfortable around smokers.

7. Avoid alcohol, at least at first. Alcohol can increase the urge to smoke, so it’s best to avoid it altogether when you’re first trying to quit.

8. Exercise regularly. Exercise can help reduce stress, which can be a trigger for smoking. It can also help with weight gain, which is common after quitting smoking.

9. Try to find other activities to do when you have the urge to smoke. This could include chewing gum, drinking water, or taking a walk. Distracting yourself can help you get through the urges until they pass.

10. Seek professional help if you need it. There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, including counselling and medication. If you find that you’re struggling to quit on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

The NHS has a good guide to help you to stop here:

How will hypnosis help me to become a non-smoker?

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help you make lasting changes in your life. If you’re trying to quit smoking, hypnosis can be a very effective way to help you reach your goal.

When you see a hypnotherapist for quitting smoking, they will usually start by having you relax into a trance-like state. Once you’re in this state, the hypnotherapist will then give you positive suggestions about quitting smoking. These suggestions can help to change your attitude and beliefs about smoking, making it easier for you to quit.

In addition to the direct suggestions given during hypnosis, the trance-like state can also be used to help you access your subconscious mind. This can help uncover the root cause of your smoking habit. Once you’re aware of the reasons why you smoke, you can then begin to work on making changes at a deeper level.

Hypnosis for smoking is a safe and natural way to make lasting changes in your life. If you’re struggling to quit smoking on your own, hypnosis can be a very effective tool to help you reach your goal.

Ready to make an appointment?

The Hypnosis Clinic offers free appointments to help you quit smoking. We’ll work with you to create a customised plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. Contact us today to schedule your free initial appointment.

You can also read about how hypnosis can help you to stop smoking here: